Alphatec has adopted the latest in machine control technology to integrate 3D modeling files for use in GPS-equipped earth moving equipment. This technology has revolutionized construction surveying by essentially setting precise construction equipment digging and grading control points for large area construction projects. When conducted by skilled surveying professionals, the result is a substantial savings in time and money as well as incredibly accurate site preparation for depth, grading and drainage requirements.
With machine control 3D GPS integrated into the cabs of construction equipment such as bulldozers, graders and excavators, the new technology eliminates the need for traditional construction site stakeouts, grade checkers and string lines. The technology also more accurately determines site boundaries.
The surveying aspect of 3D machine control technology also utilizes advances in GPS, lasers and aerial topography surveying. For large construction area projects in the past, determining boundary and physical grading or depth requirements took teams of people sometimes weeks of time to accomplish. This new technology now makes it a matter of only hours to complete. Hundreds - or even thousands - of acres can be surveyed in the time that traditional surveying in the past could do covering only a few acres at a time. With machine guided technologies, inevitable changes in design plans that may develop during the course of the project are easily and electronically updated removing the delay of waiting for surveyors to physically re-stake a site.
Another major benefit is increased safety as the technology eliminates the potential for dangerous construction site equipment and ground worker interactions. It far exceeds construction site OSHA requirements.
We respond FAST!!!! Call Alphatec Surveyors today for an immediate response to your surveying and mapping requirements. We provide on-site service to the Hampton Roads Virginia region within hours of your initial call.
Major Benefits of Automated Machine Guidance Surveys
It is a given that moving earth to tolerances of millimeters was almost impossible with traditional surveying and required substantial time and effort when required. The accuracy of machine control systems ensures grades that are within tolerance every time.
Large site surveying is substantially faster and accurate with completed data sometimes delivered in hours instead of days or weeks with traditional surveying.
Machine control construction equipment operators have constant design guidance from a display screen within their machine. Most automatically adjust blades as they move to the software's depth or grading requirement.
With the use of machine guidance the design changes are electronically updated quickly and efficiently to the machine for instant use without the need for a physical re-survey.
Machine control guidance reduces the need for on-the-ground survey personnel, thus greatly reducing the potential for workplace injuries.
Apart from the obvious time, safety and accuracy benefits, bulk earthwork setouts are not required and construction crews always have instant access to system information. This greatly reduces the need for field crew and surveyor interaction. In fact, studies are showing that it has fostered closer working relationships between the two.